Hello. I’m Dr. Kevin Dobrzynski.
It’s a question that’s shaking the medical world…
Can you now…
REVERSE Alzheimer’s and dementia memory loss…
Simply by BREATHING in a special way?
If you’re feeling your memory slip as you age…
Or you’re worried those embarrassing “senior moments”…
…could be the first sign of a more serious brain problem…
Or even if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or dementia…
I am about to show you something incredibly valuable.
In groundbreaking scientific studies…
…on older adults suffering from significant memory problems…
A simple “breathing trick”…
That can even be done at home…
REVERSED their decline, and then…
RESTORED their failing memories…
All the way back to a normal, non-impaired level.
It gets even bigger…
Because it was also shown…
To REVERSE Alzheimer’s and dementia symptoms…
These folks took no drugs…
They had no medical procedures…
They simply used a unique way of breathing.
Friend, in my medical career…
This is the most exciting breakthrough I’ve ever seen…
…for fighting Alzheimer’s and age-related memory loss.
If you’re worried about your memory as you get older…
Please stay right here…
Because I’m going to show you everything now.
In this short presentation…
You’ll see 3 Memory Truths you need to know:
Truth 1: Why EVERY Alzheimer’s treatment has been a FAILURE
You’re about to see exactly WHY your doctor…
…the pharmaceutical industry…
…and the “best” of mainstream medicine…
…have FAILED to offer any effective treatment for Alzheimer’s.
This might be a little upsetting…
…but you’ll see how dementia research they’ve been relying on…
Is a SCAM and a LIE.
Today, I will reveal shocking evidence of how one scientist…
…fabricated FAKE data about the cause of Alzheimer’s.
It’s one of the biggest SCAMS in medical history.
And I’ll expose the whole conspiracy here.
Then, I’ll undo the lies, by revealing…
Truth 2: The TRUE CAUSE of Alzheimer’s
You’ll see the proof that…
The surprising TRUE cause of Alzheimer’s has now been discovered.
(That even your own doctor doesn’t know)
You’ll even see how the street you LIVE on…
…or what you ATE for breakfast…
…could now be putting your brain and future at RISK.
Then, most important of all, you’ll see…
Truth 3: How to BREATHE AWAY Alzheimer’s memory loss
And potentially RESTORE your fading memory.
You’ll see something called “Enriched Breathing”…
…a revolutionary and simple breathing method…
…that treats the true cause of Alzheimer’s, and has been shown…
…to REVERSE dementia and age-related memory loss…
…unlike any other therapy I know.
The secret behind Enriched Breathing is genius…
It works by flooding your brain with oxygen and vital nutrients…
I’ll explain why that matters in a moment…
But let me show you first what this could now mean for YOU…
Because the brain benefits of Enriched Breathing are astonishing…
In a study on older people who were suffering significant cognitive decline…
Enriched Breathing RESTORED their failing memories…
Improving them all the way BACK to NORMAL.
There’s more…
In a study on people with full-blown dementia…
Enriched Breathing did something no drug or other therapy has…
It didn’t just stop them losing their memories…
It REVERSED the decline…
By making their memories STRONGER again…
That’s not all…
It also INCREASED their attention spans…
And improved the SPEED of their minds in processing information.
It was like…
Their brains had come ROARING BACK to LIFE.
Think about what this now means for you…
“Modern medicine” offers ZERO effective treatments for Alzheimer’s.
Your doctor can’t prescribe you ANYTHING to reverse the symptoms.
Once you’re diagnosed, they just throw up their hands.
They tell you Alzheimer’s is a prison from which you can’t escape.
Today, I’m announcing…
That’s NOT TRUE.
Not anymore.
Because Alzheimer’s and dementia patients who tried Enriched Breathing have a different story to tell...
Instead of getting worse…
These lucky people got significantly BETTER.
Their memory loss was REVERSED…
And there’s still more I’ll show you…
Like the case of Evelyn “Evie” T of Peoria, IL.
Sadly, Evie had rapidly progressing Alzheimer’s disease…
She was fading away, more and more each day…
Until she tried Enriched Breathing.
After a few sessions, her “brain metabolism” (the activity in her brain) went up by up to 38%.
In medical terms, that’s a MASSIVE improvement.
The doctors on her case were stunned.
They reported this result as…
The biggest improvement EVER for an Alzheimer’s patient.
Evie’s brain had been like a sputtering, dying engine…
That now was purring smooth as silk again…
No drug, doctor, or other medical therapy on Earth can do all this.
That’s not all, because animal testing showed…
Enriched Breathing even cleans out dangerous amyloid plaques from Alzheimer’s brains.
Can I ask you a personal question?
Are you suffering any “senior moments” or forgetfulness?
Like going into a room and forgetting why you went in?
Or having trouble recalling names of people you’ve met before?
Or just feeling generally “foggy” or more easily confused?
The bad news is:
These “senior moments” are often the first sign of Alzheimer’s.
If that worries you, you’re not alone.
Many of my patients told me Alzheimer’s disease is their biggest worry.
I completely understand.
This cruel disease steals your memory, your mind, and your identity.
And, of course, it’s an enormous burden on your family.
Don’t you owe it to them to see the news I’m about to share?
For you, is Alzheimer’s disease no longer a hopeless sentence?
Today I’m going to show you exactly how…
“Enriched Breathing” could offer an escape from Alzheimer’s and dementia memory loss.
It doesn’t require drugs or surgery…
Or even a doctor’s prescription.
The Enriched Breathing method is not painful or invasive in any way.
In fact, it’s effortless.
Most people even say the breathing sessions are relaxing.
To get everything you need, stay with me, because…
The new information I’m sharing today will not be revealed anywhere else.
So let’s get started right now…
My name, again, is Dr. Kevin Dobrzynski.
If you like, call me Dr. Kevin – everyone else does.
I grew up in Chicago…
My childhood passion was playing football…
I was lucky enough to make it all the way to Division One.
But I’ll tell you, having 300-pound linemen charging at me…
…was NOTHING compared to almost losing my wife to cancer.
Thankfully, she’s ok now.
But she had her thyroid removed as part of her treatment…
And, afterwards, the effects of hypothyroidism were brutal.
She could barely get out of bed most days.
She’d survived cancer…
But the treatment had stolen her life.
And the “best” of conventional medicine had nothing to help her…
So, I took it into my own hands...
I dove into the research…
And found a natural approach that worked for her…
She came back to life…
And I learned a valuable lesson.
Conventional medicine has done a lot of good things…
But it doesn’t have all the answers.
Far from it.
It relies way too much on the “prescribe, prescribe, prescribe” mentality.
If there’s not a drug they can prescribe…
…many mainstream doctors have little else to offer.
And, forgive my language, but that’s a load of BS.
There are so many TRUE solutions out there that fight, treat, and…
Even REVERSE disease and the health problems that come with getting older.
I’ve seen firsthand therapies beat cancer, diabetes, vision loss, sexual dysfunction, Parkinson’s and so many more…
But one of the most astonishing things I’ve ever witnessed…
Was when I was practicing at a world-famous brain clinic in Chicago…
The wife of a former NFL player came in with dementia so advanced…
…she had trouble remembering her husband’s name.
We started a new treatment protocol…
Just 12 weeks later, she’d experienced a total reversal of her symptoms.
Her memory was restored…
Her brain was sharp as a tack…
And she was back to taking care of her family.
What was this treatment?
In addition to some nutritional support…
We had her try a breakthrough breathing method, called…
Enriched Breathing
I was shocked by her dramatic improvement.
I’d never seen anything like it.
So, I did what I do best…
I dug into the research.
Day and night I worked on it…
I became an expert on how Enriched Breathing has been shown…
…to IMPROVE dementia and age-related memory loss…
…BETTER than anything else I’ve ever seen.
But, in my research…
I discovered something else as well…
The ugly side of medicine in our country.
How treatment options are often driven more by the almighty dollar than anything else...
I’ve even seen Big Pharma and its pals in our government push junk medicine…
…while true disease-reversing therapies get IGNORED.
And nowhere is this more true than with Alzheimer’s disease.
Here’s Memory Truth #1…
Why every mainstream Alzheimer’s therapy has FAILED…
And it’s a bombshell they prayed you’d never hear…
When it comes to solving Alzheimer’s, it now appears…
Mainstream medicine, our government, and Big Pharma…
…and every older American…
…have been SCAMMED.
This is not hype.
I’m 100% serious.
Right now, I hold evidence showing the most “important” Alzheimer’s research…
…was a SCAM.
I’m talking about a famous research paper published in the journal Nature...
It was called “A specific amyloid-β protein assembly in the brain impairs memory”.
Now, that’s a mouthful, but here’s what it means...
This research paper claimed to show a type of amyloid protein causes Alzheimer’s.
When it was published in 2006, this paper rocked the medical world.
In fact, in large part because of this research…
I bet you’ve heard of “amyloid plaques”, right?
These are the sticky “tangles” of protein found in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s.
For more than 15 years…
…the accepted cause of Alzheimer’s has been these amyloid plaques in the brain.
And this research paper was the leading evidence for that theory.
It’s been cited in thousands of other research studies.
This “amyloid plaque” theory of Alzheimer’s pushed Big Pharma to develop hundreds of potential drugs…
And our own government to spend BILLIONS in taxpayer dollars on research…
For 15 years, the main focus of Alzheimer’s treatment has been:
How to STOP these plaques from forming.
After all, the data in this paper makes it clear:
Stop these amyloid plaques and you’ll stop Alzheimer’s.
Except for one little thing…
The paper was a LIE.
Just a few months ago, the paper – and the study it was based on, went under investigation as…
We are now learning the data was manipulated…
Or even just plain made up.
The researcher who wrote the paper is now under investigation for “scientific misconduct”.
Think about it.
It now appears…
Much of the entire Alzheimer’s industry has been based on a big fat LIE.
Now, I’m not surprised this paper is being exposed as a fraud.
Based on my own research…
I have long believed…
Amyloid plaques are a SYMPTOM of Alzheimer’s disease, but…
Amyloids are NOT the cause of Alzheimer’s.
(In a moment, I’ll show you what is.)
In my medical opinion, it’s crystal clear…
All existing Alzheimer’s drugs and the science they’re based on…
…that amyloid plaques cause Alzheimer’s…
After all, Big Pharma has run hundreds of clinical trials with drugs targeting amyloid plaques.
And they’ve ALL FAILED.
Not a single one has worked.
Of course, the FDA did recently approve one drug to fight amyloid plaques.
The $56,000 drug called Aduhelm.
And here’s exactly why I don’t trust Big Medicine to do what’s right for Americans...
Aduhelm does NOT work.
And it’s dangerous.
The two major clinical trials of Aduhelm were stopped because it failed to show any benefit…
Instead, it caused brain bleeding, falls, brain swelling, and confusion.
I’m not kidding.
But, by manipulating the data with help from the Food & Drug Administration (FDA)…
Aduhelm was still put forward for approval.
Then, an independent FDA advisory committee called foul.
They saw Aduhelm showed no benefit for people with Alzheimer’s.
The advisory committee even called the FDA “unethical”…
And they voted 10-0 AGAINST approving Aduhelm.
So what did the FDA do?
It approved Aduhelm anyway.
Three members of the Advisory Committee resigned in protest.
One called it “probably the worst drug approval decision in recent U.S. history.”
Of course, the company that makes Aduhelm – Biogen – celebrated.
Then they set the price of Aduhelm…
At $56,000 per patient, per year.
For a drug that has NO benefit.
But does have nasty side effects.
In fact, Aduhelm is so expensive it will increase the cost of Medicare for all of us.
If you ask me…
It’s criminal.
You can do better.
And, today, you will.
Ok, you’ve now seen Memory Truth #1…
Why “mainstream” therapies focused on stopping amyloid plaques have FAILED.
How this theory was based on research now under investigation asFAKE…
And very likely FRAUDULENT.
This is the reason Big Pharma has failed against the Alzheimer’s epidemic.
And it’s why Alzheimer’s is still considered a life sentence.
Until today.
I’m about to show you something HUGE…
Something even your own doctor likely does not know…
You’re about to see how – unlike anything the mainstream can offer…
The Enriched Breathing method was shown to…
REVERSE Alzheimer’s symptoms…
By improving memory and thinking…
And bringing a dying brain back to life.
That’s because only it solves…
Memory Truth #2…
The TRUE cause of Alzheimer’s disease…
Reduced blood flow in the brain.
There you have it…
A lack of blood to vital parts of the brain is the TRUE CAUSE of Alzheimer’s.
When blood flow is cut off to the parts of your brain responsible for memory and thinking…
…the brain cells in these areas become damaged, inactive, or die…
…and Alzheimer’s disease develops.
Let me explain…
Even though your brain is less than 2% of your body weight…
…it receives about 15-20% of your total blood flow.
That’s because…
Your brain requires a massive amount of oxygen and nutrients to function properly…
And your blood delivers that oxygen and nutrients.
The problem is, as you get older…
Your blood flow naturally decreases.
In fact, our blood flow drops about 0.1% to 0.5% every year as we get older.
But here’s the shocking thing scientists have now learned…
In a person with Alzheimer’s…
Blood flow DROPS up to 10 TIMES MORE than normal.
That means…
An Alzheimer’s brain is STARVED for blood…
It’s not getting the vital oxygen and nutrients it needs…
But a recent discovery takes this one step further...
We’re now learning…
While blood flow in an Alzheimer’s brain is up to 10X WORSE than normal…
The memory and thinking zones of their brains are EVEN MORE STARVED for blood…
Look at this image.

That’s an Alzheimer’s brain.
See the areas in yellow?
When scientists recently looked at the brains of Alzheimer’s patients…
…they discovered that some parts of their brain showed little or no decrease in blood flow…
But the areas in yellow are the zones of the brain associated with MEMORY and the ability to perform tasks.
The yellow zones showed something very different…
These areas revealed MASSIVE DECREASES in blood flow!
That means, in someone with Alzheimer’s…
…their memory and task zones are being DEPRIVED of vital oxygen and nutrients.
And here’s why that’s a big problem:
The lack of blood DAMAGES the cells in these zones.
Specifically, it damages the mitochondria inside these cells.
Mitochondria are the little “energy generators” that keep cells alive and functioning…
When the mitochondria don’t get enough oxygen and nutrients…
…the cells become damaged, inactive, or die…
And you can get Alzheimer’s disease.
It’s like a car engine being starved of gas…
It sputters and knocks…
And eventually shuts down.
The mainstream may not have caught up yet, but…
In my medical opinion it’s clear…
A lack of blood flow to the vital memory centers of our brains is the TRUE CAUSE of Alzheimer’s disease.
That still leaves a very big question.
If blood flow decreases naturally with age…
Why are cases of Alzheimer’s rocketing up so quickly?
As you know, Alzheimer’s disease is an epidemic in our country.
And it’s only getting worse.
In fact, it’s predicted cases of Alzheimer’s will TRIPLE over the next 25 years
But WHY is Alzheimer’s getting so much worse?
Well, I believe the answer is hiding in plain sight.
It’s in our air…
It’s in our food…
It’s sitting on our sofas…
Let me explain what I mean...
The fact is…
“Modern lifestyles” are creating chronic inflammation in our bodies and brains.
The inflamed tissues swell up, pressing on blood vessels…
Over time, this inflammation chokes off the blood flow…
And you already know what a lack of blood flow does to the brain.
Where is this inflammation coming from?
Well, we can’t escape it.
It’s in our air and water.
I’m talking about environmental pollution.
We now know…
Pollution SHRINKS your brain…
And causes Alzheimer’s.
Do you live in America’s Alzheimer’s belt?
I’m talking about areas of our country with lots of environmental pollution…
You can see them on the map here.

Studies now confirm a direct link between the spike in the number of Alzheimer’s cases…
And the pollution where they lived.
How polluted is your town?
High pollution could dramatically INCREASE your risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia…
Is the mainstream media or your doctor telling you any of this?
After all, the science is easy enough to find…
A 2018 study followed 130,000 adults living in London.
Compared to people exposed to low levels of pollution…
Those exposed to higher levels…
…were 40% MORE LIKELY to get Alzheimer’s disease.
That’s not all.
University of Southern California researchers reported that for older women living with the highest levels of air pollution, it nearly…
It gets worse…
Air pollution ATTACKS your brain.
Harvard researchers found the closer people lived to a major roadway…
…meaning they were exposed to more air pollution from vehicle exhaust…
…the SMALLER their brains were!
And those results have been confirmed by multiple studies.
Pollution SHRINKS your brain…
And it is directly linked to getting Alzheimer’s.
In fact, the USC data suggests…
One out of every 5 dementia cases worldwide could be caused by air pollution.
And that’s just ONE potential risk factor…
Because even if you live in the cleanest environment, you need to ask yourself…
Is Alzheimer’s on the menu tonight?
Over the past 50 years, corporations have hijacked our food supply.
In their race for profits…
They’ve packed our diets with cheap, inflammatory carbs, sugars, and starches.
Today, the average American eats up to 158 pounds of sugar a year!
It’s not your fault, because refined sugar is hidden EVERYWHERE…
…in breads, pastas, bagels, cereals, and chips of all kinds.
Some of this toxic trash is even marketed as “health foods.”
These foods spike insulin levels.
This leads to chronic inflammation.
Studies show this inflammation SQUEEZES your brain…
…cinching shut vital blood vessels…
…and restricting blood flow and oxygen…
…and damaging or killing the brain cells you need for memory and thought.
Here’s another compelling piece of evidence for how our modern lifestyles are DRIVING the Alzheimer’s epidemic…
Alzheimer’s is MUCH less common in “traditional” cultures…
And a fascinating study backs this up…
It was called the Indianapolis-Ibadan Dementia Project.
It studied 2 groups of elderly people.
One group was in Ibadan, Nigeria.
The other group was in an African American community in Indianapolis.
The people in these 2 communities were closely genetically related.
But the researchers found one HUGE difference.
The Nigerian community had hardly any cases of Alzheimer’s.
But it was RAMPANT in the Americans.
Compared to their Nigerian relatives…
The elderly folks from Indianapolis had 350% MORE Alzheimer’s.
And this was despite our far better educational and healthcare system.
It’s clear to me:
The chronic inflammation and health problems brought on by “modern” lifestyles…
…is driving the Alzheimer’s epidemic in our country.
What can you do about it?
Well, of course eating healthier and avoiding pollution would be a smart way to start…
But there’s another secret that could be a game changer…
It’s time to reveal Memory Truth #3:
The Enriched Breathing method.
Enriched Breathing is the only way I’ve ever seen to RESTORE lost memory…
And REVERSE the effects of Alzheimer’s disease.
I’ve shown you a lot today.
You’ve seen how the mainstream medical system has been getting it WRONG about Alzheimer’s for decades…
You’ve seen how their focus on amyloid plaques was likely based on FRAUDULENT information…
You’ve seen how I believe the TRUE cause of Alzheimer’s is…
…a lack of blood flow to the parts of the brain responsible for memory and thinking.
You’ve also seen how pollution and inflammatory foods are making things worse.
The question now is:
What can YOU do about it?
In my opinion, the solution is clear…
The answer to restoring memory and reversing the effects of Alzheimer’s…
…is to INCREASE the blood flow and oxygen to your brain.
That’s exactly what Enriched Breathing does.
Enriched Breathing is a specialized technique that dramatically increases blood flow and oxygen in the brain.
I’ve seen the astonishing results firsthand.
But I don’t want you to take my word for it.
Because the science behind Enriched Breathing is ROCK SOLID.
Last year, brilliant scientists from Tel Aviv University revealed the results of a major study on Enriched Breathing.
First, they tested the technique on mice with Alzheimer’s disease.
These mice used Enriched Breathing for one hour a day, 5 days a week for just a month…
The results were astonishing.
Compared to the mice who did not receive the therapy…
Much MORE blood began flowing into the brains of the mice who did Enriched Breathing…
The blood vessels that had shrank from Alzheimer’s GREW larger again…
They expanded in diameter…
Going from pinched to WIDE and OPEN.
Like taking the kink out of a garden hose…
More healing blood rushed into their brains.
But it did something else amazing too…
It also CLEANED the harmful amyloid plaques out of their brains.
While the mice who did NOT get Enriched Breathing had 12% more plaque grow in their brains…
In the Enriched Breathing mice, the plaques DISAPPEARED by 40%.
And Enriched Breathing also STOPPED new plaques from forming.
But what does that actually mean?
Did the Enriched Breathing mice get better?
Did they show any improvement?
Oh yes.
The Alzheimer’s mice who did Enriched Breathing started acting much more like NORMAL mice again…
The began making better nests…
They started exploring their enclosures…
They also did NOT lose any more memory over time (unlike the mice who didn’t do Enriched Breathing).
But of course…
You’re not a lab mouse.
What does Enriched Breathing do for people losing their memory?
Well, for starters, people suffering significant memory loss had their…
The same researchers from Tel Aviv University did a study on 6 people with an average age of 70.
All of these seniors were suffering substantial memory loss.
These folks did a session of Enriched Breathing 5 days a week for 3 months.
Remember, they were all chosen for the study because they were losing their memories.
At the end of just 3 months, their memories were tested again.
The results were astonishing.
Their memories had IMPROVED so much…
They were testing BACK to NORMAL levels.
That means they had BETTER short term and working memory.
They could calculate and respond quicker.
They were also better able to concentrate.
In short, their minds had grown STRONGER.
Let me repeat that…
These older people went from suffering substantial memory loss…
To improving all the way back to a normal memory.
Their memory loss was REVERSED.
Not only that, their “global cognitive scores” – a test of how well your mind is working overall…
…also shot up significantly.
Had Enriched Breathing REPAIRED their brains?!
But how?
The scientists found it helped in many ways…
Enriched Breathing had INCREASED BLOOD FLOW to important brain areas.
Enriched Breathing FLOODS the brain with new oxygen…
SAVING vital memory and thinking cells…
REPAIRING lost memory and cognition…
And even potentially CLEANING OUT damaging amyloid plaques…
It gets even bigger…
Another study was done on 158 patients suffering with vascular dementia.
Half the patients received conventional treatment.
The other half received conventional treatment…
…PLUS a secret weapon.
This lucky group also tried Enriched Breathing…
They did the breathing sessions 5 days a week for just 12 weeks.
And compared to the group who got only the conventional treatment…
The Enriched Breathing group showed MUCH BETTER improvement.
In fact, tests of their cognitive abilities (thinking, reasoning, remembering)…
…were a full 20% BETTER.
That’s 20% STRONGER cognitive ability in just 12 weeks…
And a REVERSAL of their dementia symptoms.
How incredible is that?
These were people with verified, diagnosed dementia…
And their minds got stronger…
Their dementia symptoms began to go in reverse…
All from a non-invasive, effortless breathing technique…
…that does not require a prescription…
I’m going to tell you exactly how to access Enriched Breathing yourself…
But I want to quickly introduce you to a special person.
Meet Evelyn “Evie” T. of Peoria, IL.

Evie was 58.
She had been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease 5 years prior.
Sadly, the disease was rapidly progressing.
Thankfully, Evie was started on Enriched Breathing…
She did it for just 50 minutes a day, 5 days a week.
The turnaround in her Alzheimer’s was incredible.
After just 21 breathing sessions…
Evie had much more energy.
She was more active.
Her mood was improved.
She could better perform the activities of daily living.
She was better able to draw a correct clock face…
She could even do crossword puzzles…
That was after just 21 sessions of Enriched Breathing.
After 40 sessions, her improvement was dramatic.
Evie now had a much stronger memory.
She was better able to concentrate.
She was sleeping more soundly.
Her conversations improved…
So did her appetite.
She could use the computer.
She started reporting far more good days than bad…
And she had much less disorientation and frustration…
The scientists decided to measure her results by looking at her overall brain metabolism.
That’s essentially testing how much activity her brain was showing compared to before Enriched Breathing.
The scientists saw her brain metabolism had improved by as much as 38%.
The researchers said this was…
The most improvement EVER SEEN in an Alzheimer’s case.
And it wasn’t just her brain that improved…
Her body was restored too.
After her Enriched Breathing sessions…
Evie was stronger, faster, and more flexible.
Thanks to Enriched Breathing…
Evie’s Alzheimer’s had reversed its course.
Instead of getting worse, her symptoms were getting BETTER.
There’s no drug or other therapy that offers this potential for a REVERSAL of Alzheimer’s symptoms.
Enriched Breathing is the ONLY way I know to truly combat Alzheimer’s and dementia.
Can you see how POWERFUL this technique could be for you and your family?
But maybe you’re wondering…
HOW does Enriched Breathing work?
Enriched Breathing is a therapy that…
…lets a person take in much more oxygen than they would just breathing normally.
In fact, Enriched Breathing gets 5 to 10 times more oxygen into the blood.
This oxygen then reaches all the tissues and organs that are suffering from a low blood supply.
This includes the brain.
Because, using animal models, scientists now say Enriched Breathing:
STOPS the death of cells…
IMPROVES mitochondrial energy production in cells…
Rapidly INCREASES the number of healing stem cells…
REDUCES inflammation in the brain…
And PROTECTS delicate brain cells…
It’s like having an army of repairmen fixing an aging brain…
And, to be clear, this isn’t some experimental therapy.
The proven science behind Enriched Breathing…
…has been used for 50 YEARS to help heal wounds, burns, and other injuries.
And, since 2001, doctors in the know…
…have been using Enriched Breathing to help Alzheimer’s patients regain their memories and minds.
Enriched Breathing is not a cure for Alzheimer’s or dementia.
But this much is verified:
Enriched Breathing has been shown to…
IMPROVE the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia…
By REVERSING some memory loss…
And INCREASING cognitive function.
That’s something no drug or other therapy can offer.
Friend, I pray you don’t have Alzheimer’s.
I pray you and your spouse NEVER get Alzheimer’s or dementia.
But if you’re suffering senior moments, foggier thinking,
If you have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia…
Or are simply worried about your future…
You need Enriched Breathing in your arsenal today.
I’ve already shown you how your doctor very likely does not know the benefits of Enriched Breathing…
And how the pharmaceutical industry is focused on selling $56,000 drugs…
…based, at least partly, on FRAUDULENT data.
I’ve shown you how I’m convinced…
The TRUE cause of Alzheimer’s is a lack of blood flow to the brain…
And how Alzheimer’s and dementia symptoms can potentially…
…be REVERSED by the Enriched Breathing method.
You’ve seen how, in a study on older people suffering “cognitive decline”…
Enriched Breathing RESTORED their tested memories all the way back to normal.
And how in small study on people with dementia…
Enriched Breathing brought their brains back to life…
…REVERSING the progression of their disease, by…
…significantly IMPROVING memory, attention, and thinking speed.
You also saw how, in one woman with Alzheimer’s, researchers said…
Enriched Breathing brought about the BEST RESULTS ever recorded.
In animal studies, Enriched Breathing even cleaned dangerous amyloid plaques out of their brains.
And all you need to do is BREATHE…
…using a special technique that gets more oxygen into your brain.
It doesn’t require drugs, surgery, or even a doctor’s prescription.
In fact, it’s effortless.
And it can even be done at home.
Think about what today has meant…
Because of what YOU now know…
Is Alzheimer’s no longer a hopeless sentence for
your loved ones?
I want you to have the full Enriched Breathing method in your arsenal.
I want you to be able to use it if you or a loved one is ever facing Alzheimer’s or dementia.
Again, you can’t get this from your doctor.
He very likely does not know the verified science behind Enriched Breathing.
So it’s important you get it for yourself now.
I want you to know the full Enriched Breathing technique…
To see all the science showing how it reverses the symptoms of Alzheimer’s and dementia.
I want to show you exactly how it’s done…
And how you can access it for yourself or your loved ones.
That’s why I’ve written down every detail you need…
In a new report called “Breathe Away Memory Loss”…
“Breathe Away Memory Loss” is like an instruction manual for Enriched Breathing…
And I want to send the full report to you today… FREE.
That’s not a mistake.
I’m going to send you this new report today as a gift.
All you have to do is say YES today to this special, one-time opportunity I have for you.
And I’ll rush you your own personal copy of the “Breathe Away Memory Loss” report.
Inside your copy of the report, you’ll find…
Exactly how to access the Enriched Breathing therapy…
All the science behind how it works, written in plain English…
Enriched Breathing does not require a prescription…
But I recommend you work with a doctor or trained practitioner…
So I’ll also show you exactly where to find the right one for you.
You’ll use a special, non-invasive device that “improves” your breathing…
…flooding your brain with memory-restoring oxygen and nutrients…
…which can even be delivered right to your home.
It’s so simple – all you do is BREATHE.
In “Breathe Away Memory Loss” you’ll get every single detail you need.
You’ll have every one of your questions answered.
And you’ll finally hold the secret to potentially…
REVERSING some Alzheimer’s and dementia symptoms.
In a moment from now…
I’ll show you exactly how to claim your free “Breathe Away Memory Loss” report…
I can’t wait to send you your own personal copy.
But before I go…
I want to share one more thing with you today.
And this is extremely urgent.
Alzheimer’s is truly one of our most devastating diseases…
But, according to my patients…
They fear one disease above all others…
I’m talking about cancer.
And I just received final details on…
A life-giving miracle for even TERMINAL cancer patients.
Give me just another minute of your time…
I’ll share the essential details with you right now.
To start, I want you to imagine something…
(Don’t worry, there’s a very good reason I’ll reveal momentarily.)
Picture this…
An amazing new cancer drug hits the market.
Let’s call it “Cancergon”.
In our made-up scenario, “Cancergon” is a pretty amazing drug…
In studies…
“Cancergon” extended the life of TERMINAL ovarian cancer patients by 481%...
It extended the life of TERMINAL colon cancer patients by 650%...
And terminal lung cancer patients?
They lived an astonishing 2,250% longer.
The patient stories were even more incredible…
Like Jeff H., 49, from Allentown, PA.
They found a tumor in Jeff’s bladder.
I don’t need to tell you how serious bladder cancer is…
Jeff had surgery, but declined chemotherapy…
Instead, he took “Cancergon”.
Nine years later…
Jeff’s in great health.
There’s no sign of recurrence or spread.
Then there’s 66-year-old Jennifer R. from Tallahassee…
Jen was devasted when doctors found a very large tumor on her spine…
She had radiation, but NO chemo…
Instead, she got “Cancergon”…
And her tumor DISAPPEARED.
It was like a miracle…
Ten years later, Jen was still in good health…
With ZERO signs of cancer.
Have you ever heard cancer results as amazing as these?
And if “Cancergon” was real drug, the whole world would be celebrating…
They’d have news conferences… TV ads…
Maybe a celebrity endorser or two…
But here’s the thing…
The incredible results I just shared ARE REAL.
The patients I told you about saw their tumors DISAPPEAR…
…and their bodies RETURNED to good health…
And terminal cancer patients lived up to 2,250% LONGER…
These results don’t come from a drug.
They don’t come from chemotherapy either…
Or radiation…
Or surgery…
No, it’s so much better than that.
All the cancer-defeating results you just heard…
…come from an all-natural therapy…
…your own doctor very likely does not know…
But that YOU, if you or a loved one ever faces cancer…
…will now be able to get for yourself.
This heart of this therapy is a cancer-killing nutrient called “Ascorbin”.
Ascorbin is a compound found in nature…
…especially in certain tropical fruits.
And it’s one of the healthiest substances on earth.
(Compare that to the poisonous side effects of chemotherapy…)
Ascorbin is so healthy, your body actually needs it...
…to build a healthy immune system…
…and to repair your tissues and organs.
Ascorbin was discovered back in 1912…
But everything changed in 1976…
…when a brilliant Nobel-prize winning scientist, Dr. Linus Pauling…
…decided to test it against our most dreaded disease…
And he discovered something incredible.
Dr. Pauling gave high doses of Ascorbin to 100 terminal cancer patients…
These were people with end-stage cancer…
After the treatment, Dr. Pauling compared the Ascorbin patients…
…against a “control” group of 1,000 patients who didn’t get Ascorbin…
The results were astonishing.
Compared to the folks who didn’t get any…
The Ascorbin group LIVED 4.2 TIMES LONGER.
That’s 4.2 times longer life…
…from taking a healthy, all-natural nutrient.
These exciting results spurred scientist to research Ascorbin…
To learn WHY it appears to be such a potent tumor destroyer…
And they found Ascorbin does something amazing inside the body…
It creates a specialized “chemical weapon” that kills cancer cells…
…but leaves normal cells safe and untouched.
Let me explain…
Remember skinning your knee as a child?
Your mother probably poured hydrogen peroxide on it…
…to prevent infection.
That’s because hydrogen peroxide is great at killing bacteria and viruses…
In fact, your immune system MAKES hydrogen peroxide to fight off germs.
Hydrogen peroxide is so strong it even kills cells.
Our immune systems make a substance that destroys germs…
…but also kills our own cells?
Not exactly.
As usual, our Creator has designed a perfect system…
You see, our cells make a chemical called catalase…
…that protects them from hydrogen peroxide.
So hydrogen peroxide can go around killing the “bad guys”…
…while leaving our cells unharmed.
But here’s the thing…
Cancer cells are different than your normal cells.
They don’t make much catalase.
That means they’re not protected from hydrogen peroxide.
So, it can destroy millions of cancer cells…
…but doesn’t harm your healthy cells.
And here’s the best thing of all…
When Ascorbin gets into your body…
It TRANSFORMS INTO cancer-killing hydrogen peroxide…
Let me say that again…
When a high dose of Ascorbin gets into your body…
It turns into cancer-killing hydrogen peroxide.
Some scientists are now convinced…
This is why Ascorbin is one of the best cancer killers ever discovered.
It FLOODS your body with tumor-destroying hydrogen peroxide…
Killing cancer cells by the MILLIONS…
While the catalase in your normal cells protects them from the attack.
It makes you ask…
Is Ascorbin the PERFECT cancer solution?
Friend, if you’ve lost anyone you love to cancer…
…wouldn’t you have wanted to know about Ascorbin?
After all, it’s well studied…
And special cancer clinics have been using it for decades…
But I bet your own doctor has never mentioned it…
So, why haven’t YOU heard of life-giving Ascorbin?
Well, I have a sneaking suspicion why the “mainstream” hasn’t said much about it…
You see, as I mentioned earlier…
Ascorbin is not a drug.
It’s a natural compound…
…a healthy nutrient found in plants.
Ascorbin was designed by our Creator…
Not by a pharmaceutical corporation.
Because it’s completely natural…
Ascorbin can’t be patented.
And that means it can’t be sold as a cancer drug…
…which cost as much as $400,000 for one year of treatment.
In fact, some “conventional” cancer treatments…
…can now cost more than $1,000,000.
It’s insane.
Who can afford that?
Fact is, cancer is HUGE business in our country.
US cancer medical costs now exceed $183 BILLION annually.
I’m not kidding.
Big Pharma is making BILLIONS off cancer patients…
Do you think they want you to know about a natural nutrient that was shown to…
…increase the lives of terminal ovarian cancer patients by 481%...
…increase the lives of terminal colon cancer patients by 650%...
…increase the lives of terminal lung cancer patients by 2,250%…
And, in extraordinary cases…
…Ascorbin made tumors DISAPPEAR…
…and RESTORED cancer patients completely back to health?
Do they really want to risk all those profits?
I don’t think so.
Now, in my opinion…
Ascorbin is not a “cure” for cancer…
More research needs to be done before I’d ever make a statement like that…
But the science doesn’t lie…
Ascorbin is safe (in fact, it’s extremely healthy)…
It has none of the devastating side effects of chemo or radiation…
And Ascorbin has been shown, in scientific studies…
…and in REAL people like me and you…
…to FIGHT cancer…
…SHRINK tumors…
…and, in some extraordinary cases…
…to ERASE all signs of cancer from the body.
If you or a loved one ever faces a cancer diagnosis…
I want YOU to have Ascorbin in your arsenal…
…so you can make up your own mind about what’s best for your health.
That’s why today I’m going to give you every detail you need…
…in a second FREE report I am going to send you today…
It’s called “Nature’s Perfect Cancer Solution”…
And, along with your “Breathe Away Memory Loss” report…
I’m going to send you “Nature’s Perfect Cancer Solution” FREE today…
To ensure you always have Ascorbin in your personal health arsenal…
Friend, I hope you NEVER face cancer…
But it’s the most dreaded disease there is…
And so many of us will get a terrifying diagnosis in our lives.
That’s why, in your complimentary report…
“Nature’s Perfect Cancer Solution”…
I answer ALL your questions about Ascorbin therapy…
Exactly what it is…
How it works to kill cancer…
How much it costs (hint: it’s extremely reasonable)…
And where you can get it…
I break down all the science into easy-to-understand language…
…so you understand EVERYTHING about this powerful solution…
Ascorbin therapy does not require a prescription…
But you do need to work with a trained doctor or practitioner…
I tell you exactly how to find the right one.
I even show you how some doctors are now using Ascorbin along WITH conventional cancer treatments…
And I reveal the astonishing results they’re having.
Like how, in a small study on patients with advanced pancreatic cancer…
…one of the deadliest cancers out there…
…the 9 patients who completed a treatment of Ascorbin with chemotherapy…
…saw their cancer STOPPED in its tracks.
Again, this was ADVANCED pancreatic cancer.
You’ll find all of this – and more…
…in your new bonus report…
"Nature’s Perfect Cancer Solution"
Don’t you owe it to yourself and your loved ones…
…to claim your report about Ascorbin…
…just in case you ever need it?
It could be your secret weapon.
But you almost certainly won’t learn about Ascorbin from your own doctor or oncologist…
So, please, do let me send you “Nature’s Perfect Cancer Solution” today.
Again, your complete report is FREE with my compliments.
All you need to do is say “Yes, Dr. Kevin” to this opportunity today…
And I’ll send you “Breathe Away Memory Loss” and…
“Nature’s Perfect Cancer Solution” FREE.
I’ll tell you how to claim BOTH your reports in a moment…
But I’m about to make your day.
Because reversing Alzheimer’s memory loss…
And destroying cancer…
…are still just the beginning.
You see, I have another FREE gift for you right now.
And this one is even BIGGER…
You see, the “Breathe Away Memory Loss” report…
…and “Nature’s Perfect Cancer Solution” report…
…are just two of the more than 25 health reports…
…I’ve included in my brand-new guide…
“The Secrets of Ageless Health.”

My entire medical career has been dedicated to uncovering the therapies and secrets…
…that mainstream medicine is CLUELESS about.
In “The Secrets of Ageless Health” I open the vault for you
Wide open.
If you’re fighting a diagnosis right now…
Or just feeling the slowdown of older age…
I’m here to set your mind at ease…
Diabetes can be reversed.
Cancer can be beaten.
Heart disease can be solved.
Chronic pain can be erased.
Memory, eyesight, hearing, and sexual function…
…can all be restored…
I know therapies other doctors don’t.
I’ve reviewed the science.
And I’ve seen many of them work with my own eyes.
You just have to know what to do.
Inside “The Secrets of Ageless Health” you’ll get more than 25 reports…
…revealing disease-crushing secrets, like…
Report 16: “Genesis Cells –The End to EVERY Disease?”
Report 20: “Relieve Parkinson’s Disease Naturally”…
Report 13: “Drop Your Blood Pressure 19 Points?!”…
Report 18: “The Potency Secret of the World’s Oldest Dad”…
Report 21: “Hearing Loss REVERSED in 7 Days?!”
Report 6: The 5 Pharma Drug “Darlings” GROWING Cancer Cells?!
Report 2: “The Scary Connection Between COVID-19 and Alzheimer’s”…
Of course, “Breathe Away Memory Loss” is Report #1…
And “Nature’s Perfect Cancer Solution” is Report #5…
Inside your new copy of “The Secrets of Ageless Health”…
I reveal every therapy and breakthrough I know for helping older Americans…
…BEAT disease…
…and LIVE longer, happier, and healthier lives.
Most of these therapies take advantage of little-known natural therapies…
…that often work as well or better than drugs…
…but without the scary side effects.
Everything you’ll see is backed by the best science…
And I only share therapies I FULLY believe in myself.
Right now, I have one copy of “The Secrets of Ageless Health” guide set aside in YOUR name.
All you have to do is RSVP today and I’ll rush you your personal copy…
…packed with 25 astonishing health solutions written especially for older Americans.
“The Secrets of Ageless Health” is my gift to you, with my sincere compliments.
Feel free to share your guide with your most trusted friends and loved ones.
Why am I doing this?
Because I’m fed up.
I’ve seen the lies spewed by fat cat medical executives…
…who are far more concerned with their profits and bonuses…
…than they are with the lives of good Americans.
That’s not me.
I’ve done the research…
I’ve pored over countless scientific studies to uncover true healing secrets…
I’ve helped HUNDREDS of patients improve their lives…
I never mean to boast, but the truth is:
When it comes to natural solutions and brand-new breakthroughs that WORK…
I simply know more than most doctors out there.
Today I showed you Enriched Breathing, the only verified therapy…
…shown to REVERSE symptoms of Alzheimer’s and dementia.
For the first time…
You now have true hope against this dreaded disease.
I show you exactly how it’s done in Report #1…
In your new copy of “The Secrets of Ageless Health”…
And I showed you how the nutrient Ascorbin was shown to…
…DESTROY cancer cells…
…and even SHRINK tumors away …
…without harming healthy cells.
But let me show you a little more about you’re getting.
Like how on page 76 of “The Secrets of Ageless Health” you’ll find…
Report #16: “Genesis Cells –The End to EVERY Disease?”…
In this groundbreaking report, I ask the question…
Could astonishing “Genesis Cells” be a miracle against almost every disease known to man?
In your step-by-step report, you’ll learn about how…
“Genesis Cells” are now REVERSING DIABETES symptoms.
Scientists used Genesis Cells…which your body naturally makes…
…toSOLVE Type 1 diabetes in 87% of patients.
Meaning, these people no longer needed insulin!
And 4 years later, most of them were still insulin free!
And studies show it holds real promise for Type II diabetics as well…
…cutting insulin by more than HALF…
…improving natural insulin sensitivity…
…and even reducing body weight!
If you or a loved one is diabetic…
…can you see how this is something you need to know about now?
But it gets so much bigger…
Because Genesis Cells are a disease-fighting miracle.
They have now been shown to take on almost every deadly disease…
They work against STROKES…
Stroke patients given Genesis Cell therapy stood up and WALKED AGAIN…
In a study by Stanford University…
…on patients who’d had a stroke as long as 3 YEARS AGO…
100% showed improvement after Genesis Cell therapy.
And for some of them, it was positively life-changing…
Like Anabelle R., who was wheelchair bound before the therapy…
…and now has taken up jogging.
Or Shelly A., who could barely stand before Genesis Cells…
…then walked down the aisle at her wedding…
…and is expecting a baby!
Or Dee Y., who was completely paralysed except for one thumb…
…and is now walking again.
There’s still more Genesis Cells do…
They repair diseased HEARTS…
In animal studies…
Genesis Cells were shown to REBUILD damaged hearts after heart attacks…
And for people with heart failure…
…Genesis Cell reduced DEATH by 80%.
They BEAT blood cancer…
In your report I’ll introduce you to Susan B. of Abilene.
After a bruise on her foot just wouldn’t go away, Susan got terrible news.
She was diagnosed with blood cancer.
After two bone marrow transplants failed…
“I was literally on my death bed” she said.
As a last resort, she went against the mainstream solutions…
And agreed to try Genesis Cell therapy.
She started to get better immediately…
Just 3 months later…
Susan’s cancer was GONE.
She was told she now had a 99% chance of staying cancer free FOREVER.
And while I truly believe Genesis Cells are a gift from our Creator…
Susan’s recovery was no mystery – the science is rock solid.
And I explain everything you need to know about Genesis Cells in…
Report 16: “Genesis Cells –The End to EVERY Disease?” …
It’s one of more than 25 life-changing reports you’ll get…
…in your personal copy of “The Secrets of Ageless Health” guide.
You’ll also see how Genesis Cells…
…stopped Macular Degeneration in its tracks...
…combatted other eye diseases, like glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and cataracts…
…improved rheumatoid arthritis symptoms by an astonishing 70%. (After one treatment. In as little as a week!)
…reversed hair loss!
Hair thickness improved by 31%...
You’ll find every detail on the disease-crushing potential of Genesis Cells…
…starting on page 76 of “The Secrets of Ageless Health”.
“The Secrets of Ageless Health” is yours FREE today.
All you need to do is say “Yes, Dr. Kevin!” to this special opportunity.
There’s so much more…
And this one is a little spicy…
I’m talking about Report 18…
“The Potency Secret of the World’s Oldest Dad”
Ramjit Raghav makes passionate love to his much younger wife 3 to 4 times per night.
Ramjit is 96 years old.
His neighbors might be seething with jealousy…
But his wife has never been happier.
She claims he satisfies her more than ANY 25-year-old man could.
And she just blessed him with a second healthy son.
A father at 94, and then again at 96…
Ramjit now holds two records for the World’s Oldest Father.
How does he do it?!
Ramjit says he owes it all to his daily diet of almonds, butter, and milk…
But I have a suspicion he left out one very important detail…
Ramjit’s village in Northern India, is one of the few places on earth the thorny “Touch Me Not” plant grows…
It’s quite beautiful to look at…

…but visitors don’t dare get too close to its prickly leaves…
Only the local men know its true secret:
“Touch Me Not” is a POTENT aphrodisiac.
Now, brand-new research is confirming what they’ve long known…
This year a major study revealed 4 different molecules found in the stems…
…“demonstrated significant drug-likeness characteristics with lower toxicity profiles.”
Translation: It works like the little blue pill, but it’s SAFER.
That’s a direct quote from the researchers.
If you ask me, the “Touch Me Not” plant might be Ramjit’s REAL potency secret…
And if you’re ready to reignite your teenage desire, performance and give your lady a thrill…
You need to read Report 18: “The Potency Secret of the World’s Oldest Dad” right away…
Inside, I share all the important details you need…
Including where to find this Indian aphrodisiac in the US.
A renewed libido (and steamier nights) are waiting for you on page 86.
Then, how about this stunner…
Improve Parkinson’s disease symptoms… naturally?
New science is showing how a few natural substances – special plant extracts…
…BOOST a brain-supporting chemical…
…shown to IMPROVE Parkinson’s symptoms!
Most doctors have never heard of these natural extracts…
But you’ll soon know everything…
And, if you’re worried about Parkinson’s, you’ll see…
How working one common profession dramatically increases your risk of Parkinson’s…
You’ll get every detail in Report 20: “Relieve Parkinson’s Disease Naturally”…
You’ll find it on page 93 of your new guide “The Secrets of Ageless Health”.
There’s so much more you’ll get.
Like this SHOCKER…
Report 2: “The Scary Connection Between COVID-19 and Alzheimer’s”
A shocking new revelation was published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease…
…so why isn’t the mainstream media sounding the alarm?
If you’ve been exposed within the last 18 months…
…please read page 12 IMMEDIATELY for the uncensored truth…
Plus, you’ll also get…
Report 6: “The 5 Pharma Drug ‘Darlings’ GROWING Cancer Cells?!”
Millions of Americans are taking these “harmless” drugs every single day…
…without knowing the risk.
Before you pop another pill, turn to page 31 to check the list.
You’ll see the jaw-dropping studies that show these common medications…
…are actually cancer fertilizers.
(Did your pharmacist mention this before he filled your script?)
There’s more…
Blood sugar concerns?
When you get your free guide, go immediately to…
Report 9: “’Oregon Salt’ Vs. Diabetes Drugs… Who Won?”
That’s where you’ll find how…
…a powerful “Oregon Salt” extract went toe-to-toe with pharma diabetes drugs…
…and came out on top.
I’ve reviewed 14 studies in an impressive blood sugar showdown…
If you’re diabetic or suffer high blood sugar…
…the shocking results revealed on page 48 could change everything.
Even I found the next one surprising, but the science doesn’t lie…
Report 14: “Can a Little-Known ‘Alphabet Vitamin’ Help You Live 7 Years Longer?”
A massive study of 4,800 folks over 55 says “YES!”…
And just 45 mcg a day might be all you need.
Head to page 68 and put THIS life-giving vitamin on your next shopping list.
Then, has your doctor said to watch your blood pressure?
If so, head straight to…
Report 13: “Drop Your Blood Pressure 19 Points?!”
Did you know simply eating one Middle Eastern spice…
…was shown to lower systolic blood pressure 19 points in just 12 weeks?
I’m serious.
You’ll get every detail you need on page 65.
Then, they’ll start calling you “eagle eyes” after you read…
Report 17: “Delicious ‘Berry Trick’ Is an Eyesight-Saving GODSEND for Seniors”
If you’re frustrated with your blurry or fuzzy vision…
…or you’re worried about age-related macular degeneration…
…turn to page 82 first for the juicy secret to protecting your eyesight.
(I’ve printed everything you need to know in comfortable, reader-friendly text.)
Ok, this next one is nothing short of incredible…
Report 21: “Hearing Loss REVERSED in 7 Days?!”
On page 98 I show you how a “fossil tree” extract delivered complete recovery from sudden hearing loss…
…with results starting in just one week!
Is painful arthritis keeping you sidelined from life?
Be sure to read Report 19: “Dump your NSAIDS for the Pain-Erasing Golden Spice”
A certain “Golden Spice” is now being hailed as a potent pain-relieving alternative…
…and it’s so much safer too!
See page 90 to get back in the game.
And so much more…
ALL these life-changing secrets…
Including Report 1 “Breathe Away Memory Loss”…
…and Report 5: “Nature’s Perfect Cancer Solution”…
…are in your new guide, “The Secrets of Ageless Health”.
It’s yours FREE today… with my compliments.
Ok, it’s time.
It’s time to tell you exactly how to RSVP for your free, potentially life-saving gifts.
To do that I need to share one final secret with you now…
The kind of information you learned today…
Health secret and life-saving therapies the mainstream does not know...
Are first shared with a small group of Americans…
The readers of my private monthly newsletter: Impact Health Alliance.
Impact Health Alliance is written especially for older Americans…
…who are looking for a “second chance” at regaining the health, strength, and energy of their youth…
It’s only in Impact Health Alliance where I reveal my most important breakthroughs for…
Stopping, beating, and even REVERSING disease…
ERASING PAIN and suffering…
REWINDING the effects of aging – at the cellular level…
IMPROVING physical function, no matter your current age…
Strengthening your MEMORY, eyesight, and hearing…
Looking and feeling YOUNGER…
Feeling a surge of endless ENERGY to power you through your days…
And even potentially EXTENDING your life for many happy, healthy years.
That’s not all…
You see, Impact Health Alliance is free from the political correctness malarkey…
It’s written for adults who can handle the truth.
In each issue, I reveal the failures of “modern” medicine.
Especially the mainstream’s dangerous “advice” making seniors older and sicker than ever.
Every month, I take my most valuable disease-fighting and age-reversing secrets…
And I write them up in easy-to-follow language...
Then, I email the new Impact Health Alliance issue out to a select group of Americans…
Through Impact Health Alliance, I personally guide my new friends to help…
Reset their health…
Rewind the age they feel…
And reverse memory loss, pain, and disease.
The fact is, if you’re over 60 right now…
There’s nothing else like Impact Health Alliance out there.
Every month this private group of Americans…
Gains insider access to the proven treatments, and solutions that most American doctors DO NOT KNOW…
Covering solutions for diabetes, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, chronic pain… even cancer…
Impact Health Alliance is the MOST powerful weapon any American can have at their disposal.
Each monthly issue is like several private consultations with me…
It’s like getting my guidance on reversing whatever ails you…
And that’s why I contacted you today…
By staying with me this far, you’ve shown me you’re special.
Truth is, you’re a lot smarter than most.
You know the mainstream is more interested in profits than your best health.
And you’ve seen that true solutions do exist, if you only know where to look.
So, I’d like to extend to you a personal invitation right now…
Will you join my “inner circle” of Impact Health Alliance readers today?
If you say yes…
You’ll gain exclusive access to the most powerful health-restoring secrets ever found...
I’m talking UNCENSORED solutions for fighting and even reversing…
…arthritis, cancer, dementia, chronic pain, hearing loss, insomnia, sexual dysfunction, osteoporosis…
And so much more.
Plus, you’ll get the hard truths about mainstream medicine that are too controversial to publish elsewhere…
You’ll hold information your friends, children, and even your own doctor do not know.
You will be in a very powerful position.
When you share these secrets with your loved ones, they’ll be so grateful.
And I’ll be with you every step of the way.
Being a subscriber to Impact Health Alliance is like joining a community of Americans…
…who live younger, healthier, and smarter than others their age.
Now, it’s your turn.
I’d be honored to have YOU become an Impact Health Alliance subscriber.
And when you do, I’ll thank you with an amazing FREE gift set…
Your copy of the “Breathe Away Memory Loss” report…
…featuring the Enriched Breathing method…
…the only way I know to REVERSE Alzheimer’s and dementia symptoms…
And it’s just one of more than 25 reports you’ll get in your copy of “The Secrets of Ageless Health” guide, including:
Report 5: “Nature’s Perfect Cancer Solution”…
Report 18: “The Potency Secret of the World’s Oldest Dad”…
Report 2: “The Scary Connection Between COVID-19 and Alzheimer’s”…
Report 6: “The 5 Pharma Drug ‘Darlings’ GROWING Cancer Cells?!”…
Report 16: “Genesis Cells –The End to EVERY Disease?”…
Report 20: “Relieve Parkinson’s Disease Naturally”…
Report 13: “Drop Your Blood Pressure 19 Points?!”…
Report 17: “Delicious ‘Berry Trick’ is an Eyesight-Saving GODSEND for Seniors”…
Report 21: “Hearing Loss REVERSED in 7 Days?!”…
And that’s still just the start of what you’ll find inside…
“The Secrets of Ageless Health” is a true roadmap for living well and living LONG.
After you receive your full gift set…
I hope you’ll write to me about how it helped YOU restore your own good health…
And how much more energetic, sharper, and younger you feel.
Everything you need to know is in your new copy of:
“The Secrets of Ageless Health”

This gift is yours FREE when you give my Impact Health Alliance newsletter a try today.
But make no mistake, this is truly a GIFT.
Your guide – with more than 25 astonishing health solutions…
…including the Enriched Breathing method that reversed memory loss…
…is yours to keep… ALWAYS.
And you take NO risk…
Even if you end up deciding later my Impact Health Alliance newsletter isn’t right for you.
Here’s what I mean.
There’s button below this screen.
Press that button and you’ll be taken to a secure RSVP page.
When you’re there, say “YES, Dr. Kevin!” to today’s opportunity…
Then, I’ll send your welcome gift.
That way, you won’t have to wait at all to get…
Your complete “The Secrets of Ageless Health” guide…
Which includes Report 1: “Breathe Away Memory Loss”…
…and Report 5: “Nature’s Perfect Cancer Solution”…
And 25 more powerful health solutions for older Americans…
Plus, a personal note from me…
When your gift arrives, open it immediately.
Inside you’ll find how Enriched Breathing REVERSED Alzheimer’s memory loss…
And how to potentially beat cancer, diabetes, heart disease, sexual dysfunction, pain and so much more – NATURALLY.
Then, like clockwork, every month I’ll email you the latest issue of Impact Health Alliance…
Read it carefully to discover my newest secrets for reversing disease…
“Rewinding the clock” on aging…
And regaining your energy and positive outlook on life…
From dementia to diabetes…
From chronic pain to cancer…
From heart disease to insomnia…
…every issue of Impact Health Alliance is packed with potent solutions for CRUSHING your most feared diseases…
And saying goodbye to junk medicine and mainstream scams.
Friend, I truly believe…
You’ll look forward to every monthly issue…
You’ll feel more energetic, healthier, and happier…
Your friends will rave how much younger you look…
You’ll consider Impact Health Alliance one of the best decisions you’ve ever made.
But, if I’m wrong – it costs you nothing.
If for any reason, you’re not 100% satisfied with Impact Health Alliance…
If you don’t find the value exceeds what you paid by at least 10 TIMES…
Just contact my friendly customer service team…
And I’ll refund EVERY penny of the small subscription fee.
NO questions asked.
You take NO RISK at all.
Not only that…
I insist you keep your free gift – no matter what…
Let me repeat that:
If you’re not COMPLETELY satisfied with your Impact Health Alliance subscription…
I’ll give you back your entire subscription fee.
Plus, you keep your “Breathe Away Memory Loss” report…
…your “Nature’s Perfect Cancer Solution” report…
And all the other underground health reports you’ll get in your copy of…
“The Secrets of Ageless Health”…
Your gift is always yours to keep – FREE.
You have nothing to lose…
And everything to gain.
It gets better…
Because this guarantee DOES NOT EXPIRE.
Whether you’re on your first issue or your last…
You are GUARANTEED a full refund.
At any time.
With no questions asked.
There’s no fine print.
And you keep your free health guide, even if you refund.
That’s my personal guarantee to you.
But there is one catch…
I’m afraid my invitation, including your FREE GIFT set…
…is only available right here, right now.
If you delay, you could miss out.
Right now, there’s one copy of the “The Secrets of Ageless Health” guide…
…with more than 25 life-changing reports written especially for older Americans…
…reserved FREE in YOUR name.
But if you don’t act now, your gift will be released to someone else.
Don’t let that happen…
Are you ready to claim your FREE copy of…
Report #1: “Breathe Away Memory Loss”…
Which shows you exactly how Alzheimer’s and dementia memory loss was REVERSED…
…by the simple ENRICHED BREATHING method…
It’s just one of the more than 25 reports you’ll get in your “The Secrets of Ageless Health” guide…
…which includes potent new solutions for beating:
Heart disease and stroke…
Chronic pain…
Hearing loss…
Vision loss…
…and many MORE natural breakthroughs!
Soon, you’ll own an arsenal to battle whatever health problems you face...
Whether it’s today, next year, or 20 years from now.
Friend, don’t let this opportunity slip through your fingers…
Make the right choice…
Ok, it’s just about time to take your first step on the road to health, happiness, and a new outlook on life…
But, before you go…
I have one more GIFT for you today…
When I send you your “Secrets of Ageless Health” guide today…
I’m going to include a special BONUS report.
Earlier, I shared how…
Enriched Breathing was shown to reverse Alzheimer’s memory loss…
But I don’t just want your memory to get BETTER…
I want it to be so strong…
…your friends and family will be ASTOUNDED.
That’s why I’ve decided to send you a new BONUS report called…
“The Secret to a World Record Memory”
Inside you’ll discover…
A “superhuman senior memory” method so POWERFUL…
…it’s BANNED from casinos.
Just listen to this true story…
As the entire room held its breath…
Dave Sullivan looked at the final card face down in front of him.
Dave was in the finals of the World Memory Championships.
He had just correctly recalled the order of 753 playing cards (that’s 14 ½ decks) from memory.
One more correct answer and he’d set a new world record…
…win the championship trophy…
…and take home a $10,000 cash prize.
“Four of diamonds.”
The crowd went wild.
Dave had won the championship!
But here’s the kicker…
Dave is a normal guy.
He wasn’t born with an extraordinary memory.
He isn’t a savant or anything like that…
In fact, he suffered from dyslexia and ADD…
Dave is 60 years old.
So how did this “average” guy…
…at an age where experts would expect his memory to be fading…
…win the World Memory Championships…
…and set a new world record?
Dave knew a secret weapon.
A little-known “superhuman” memory trick…
…that dates back thousands of years to Ancient Greece.
It’s called the “Mesmeric Memory” system…
“Mesmeric Memory” is even rumored to be the secret behind geniuses like…
…Leonardo da Vinci, C.S. Lewis, and Nikola Tesla.
“Mesmeric Memory” is so powerful…
…it’s even been banned from casinos worldwide.
But here’s the thing…
You don’t need a genius brain to use it.
ANYONE can learn the “Mesmeric Memory” method.
It’s every bit as powerful whether you’re 17 or 71.
And it’s easy to learn.
So, whether you’d like to…
Impress the grandkids by showing off your iron-clad memory…
Never forget another password or phone number…
Or become the undisputed champ at bridge night…
“Mesmeric Memory” will give you newfound confidence…
…with your own memory “secret weapon”…
And that’s why I explain everything you need to know about the “Mesmeric Memory” method…
…in “The Secret to a World Record Memory”…

…a FREE BONUS to go with your “The Secrets of Ageless Health” guide…
Inside your free bonus report…
You get full details on the exact “Mesmeric Memory” technique…
YOU can use to get your own superhuman senior memory.
I show you everything you need to know…
…so forgetting passwords, names, and phone numbers become thing of the past…
“The Secret to a World Record Memory” is your FREE bonus today.
Ok, it’s time.
Time for you to claim your free health guide, “The Secrets of Ageless Health”…
…featuring more than 25 powerful health reports for older Americans…
Report 1: “Breathe Away Memory Loss”…
…(with the dementia-reversing secret of Enriched Breathing) and…
Report 5: “Nature’s Perfect Cancer Solution”…
…(with the Ascorbin therapy that erases tumors and dramatically lengthened lives), plus…
Report 18: “The Potency Secret of the World’s Oldest Dad”…
Report 2: “The Scary Connection Between COVID-19 and Alzheimer’s”…
Report 6: “The 5 Pharma Drug ‘Darlings’ GROWING Cancer Cells?!”…
Report 16: “Genesis Cells –The End to EVERY Disease?”…
Report 20: “Relieve Parkinson’s Disease Naturally”…
Report 13: “Drop Your Blood Pressure 19 Points?!”…
Report 17: “Delicious ‘Berry Trick’ is an Eyesight-Saving GODSEND for Seniors”…
Report 21: “Hearing Loss REVERSED in 7 Days?!”…
And SO much more…
PLUS: Your BONUS report “The Secret to a World Record Memory”
And all of this is yours FREE…
…when you give my risk-free Impact Health Alliance newsletter a try today.
It’s just $78 for 12 monthly issues, that’s less than $7 a month…
To get started on your own journey to…
Beating disease…
Improving your memory…
Restoring your energy…
And bringing back a younger, happier you.
And it gets even better, because if you watched this video, you qualify for a 50% discount on the membership price…
That means you’ll get a full year of Impact Health Alliance for just $39…
Click the button below now to RSVP.
You’ll be taken to a secure order form where you can claim your FREE gifts…
Remember, your complete satisfaction is always 100% guaranteed.
You have the Full Year - 365 days - to decide if Impact Health Alliance is right for you…
And even if you request a full refund…
You always keep both your gifts:
FREE GIFT #1: “The Secret of Ageless Health” guide, and…
FREE GIFT #2: “The Secret to a World Record Memory” bonus report…

It’s time to…
Drop your fears of succumbing to dementia or cancer…
And get ready to embrace a NEW longer, healthier, and happier life…
Now is your chance.
As a good American, you deserve this.
And you risk nothing by giving my Impact Health Alliance newsletter a try.
So please click below now…
…while your exclusive invitation and 2 FREE gifts are still available…
Again, I’m Dr. Kevin Dobrzynski.
Thank you so much for spending this time with me today.
Please click below now and I’ll see you on the other side.